Our Christian Values

From the smallest seeds grow the greatest shrubs



Through our Christian ethos, our core values are: Respect, Optimism, Wisdom, Determination, Enthusiasm and Love. These values are built into the ethos and teaching of the school and are modelled by everyone who works at Rowde C of E Primary Academy. We also teach the children about the importance of British values, including democracy, rule of law and individual liberty.

Our vision and values underpin everything we do at Rowde and are an integral part of all policies and procedures in the school. They are discussed and referenced in every act of Collective Worship when we come together in the mornings. We display the values in all of our classrooms using images and quotes from the Bible and elsewhere, to help the children fully understand what they mean and how they link to their own lives. To develop this further, each value is linked to a simple story from the Bible which enables children to deepen their understanding. We are in the process of teaching the children these stories (as shown below), with their key messages, and we make connections to these and our values on a daily basis.

  1. Respect: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
  2. Optimism: Jesus heals Jairus’ daughter (Mark 5:21-43)
  3. Wisdom: The wise and foolish builders (Matthew 7:24-27)
  4. Determination: A paralysed man (Mark 2:1-12)
  5. Enthusiasm: The holy spirit comes at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-13)
  6. Love: Jesus washes his disciples feet (John 13:1–17)

Over the year, each class builds a floor book with their reflections and responses to collective worship and our values, illustrating how these have been developed through different aspects of class life. 

Our values are also the foundations of our behaviour policy, and we use them to talk to the children about their actions, to help them understand consequences. This supports the children in making changes and choices to ensure they are following our values within school and in their own lives at home. Everyone understands that “We are Rowde”. 

We are Rowde

We celebrate our values in our Friday celebration Collective Worship. One child from each class is nominated every week, by either the teacher or their peers, to be value champion!

You can read more about the values and the connected passages from the Bible, below. 

Rowde Values and Explanations